our story
Filmreaktor is an independent production company focussing on service production for Japan, USA, UK, Italy and China. From our twin offices in Budapest and Sydney, we have made hundreds of TVCs, music and promotional videos, as well as series and feature films across Central Europe and Oceania.
We have grown from a collaboration around mutual service production needs to a group of seasoned professionals. In many ways, we have matured together. We are a diverse bunch who admire each other’s strengths, and enjoy collaborating on every single project. Turns out, four heads are better than one.
FILMREAKTOR (フィルムリアクター)は、東欧ハンガリーのブダペストと、南半球オーストラリアのシドニーに事務所を構える映像制作・サービスプロダクション・撮影コーディネート会社です。映像業界で豊富な経験を持つ四人のプロデューサーユニットで、多数の言語と人脈を駆使し、CMをはじめとする広告映像、映画、ショートフィルム、プロモーションビデオ、オンラインコンテンツ、ロケーションリサーチ、キャスティング、撮影サービス、コーディネート業務を行なっています。ブダペストをベースに東ヨーロッパ、西ヨーロッパの国々、南半球ではオーストラリアとニュージーランドなどのロケーションで撮影を行っています。
日本語での問い合わせはあきこ akiko@filmreaktorglobal.comまたはジョナス jonas@filmreaktorglobal.comまで。
KLARI GARAS Founder & Producer
+36 20 334 3700
JUAN AMIN Producer
+36 70 577 7936
Clear communication is our secret sauce - it maximises efficiency and preserves creative intent. Confident both on location and in the studio, our network of local crews and equipment thrives on trust and a shared history. We look forward to making a story with you.
We speak English, Japanese, Hungarian, Spanish and most importantly, we are fluent in Production. We speak your language.
Whether you have a fully-formed brief or are exploring an idea, we would love to hear from you.